Friday, January 27, 2012

Rough Seas and Icebergs

Upside Down - Inside Out! 

Have you ever felt that you are turning yourself inside out or upside down trying to achieve something that is new to you. Perhaps when you first became a parent, perhaps when you started a new job, perhaps when you returned to work after having kids, or perhaps just making a new meal. Well for me embarking on the journey of a handmade business, working from home, with kids, in a rural area has presented many many challenges!

I am not qualified in design, dressmaking, the arts, marketing or any other related field to my new found venture. In fact I hold a Biomedical Science degree, specialising in nutritional science and my entire working life has been in the pharmaceutical industry.  I feel like a duck out of water, or one riding very rough seas. But as the quote above would indicate it is through these difficult waters that we learn our best skills. I can see this to be the case in how far I have come and what I have learnt in just the past two years of running Winnie&Clem . But what you see on the surface of a handmade business is very much like an iceberg in these waters, there is always more to a story and somethings are just not a story to tell but a journey to travel, to live and learn.

I invite you to share this journey with me!


AlyLou said...

beautifully written.

bananaorangeapple said...

Great blog post. I have clicked to follow your page so I can keep up.

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